Undergroundmusicblog announcements

Hello. If you are reading this, I am no longer blogging on this blog. But, there are almost 250 posts, so feel free to look through them. Even though it won't be new music, it'll still be good music.
So . . . bye.

*This is 12/23/13. I changed the polls slightly so that you can vote until 1/1/24. That's almost ten years from now. I at least wanted any people who happened to be visiting to be able to vote. I didn't extend it any longer because this blog will either get deleted or aliens will cause mass chaos by deleting the internet or murdering that huge satellite in space.
Thought you might want to know that my friend has a blog, and we are very alike. http://www.electricperspectivemusic.blogspot.com/
Oh well. Yeah. This blog is kind of . . . dead.
I guess this is goodbye. Again. Because it's a second goodbye, it's awkwarder, so there's no way to wrap this up. But I'm not a writer or anything, and this is the internet, so I can cut myself off midsentence and add three little dots afterwards . . .

Saturday, November 9, 2013

B's, #1

Hello there. I'm told that you like Paramore, Still Into You, and Rock or some strange sub genre that falls under that category.
So....I'm just asking....but have you ever heard of Cherri Bomb?
If not, here are some songs.

Too Many Faces. It's the one with the strange face. Oh my gosh, it looks like she's eating the play button.
Next is Paper Doll. It's a lyric video...so it has lyrics on it...
And last....why not Let It Go? It's the one in black and white.
Now for some more questions.

     1. How many underground bands do you listen to? (for this question, underground will mean a band that maybe only 1000 people know about)

A. 1 or none...
B. 2 to 4.
C. 4 to 6.
D. 7 and up.

     2. What is your LEAST favorite band of the four below...if you don't know who any of them are, count this question as A, you'll see why later.

A. Anavae
B. Follow You Home
C. Blameshift
D. Fighting the Villain

     3. Do you like Nutella?

A. No, because I am a sad person with no personality.
B. Not really/ I have an allergy to one of the ingredients
C. Yeah, it's alright.
D. I love Nutella. In fact, I witnessed the day where Nutella descended from the heavens.

You know the drill.
A's: http://undergroundmusicblog.blogspot.com/2013/11/as-3.html
B's: http://undergroundmusicblog.blogspot.com/2013/11/bs-3.html
C's: http://undergroundmusicblog.blogspot.com/2013/11/cs-3.html
D's: http://undergroundmusicblog.blogspot.com/2013/11/ds-3.html

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